Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Dog and Her Frog!

They say a picture speaks a thousand words so above tells a story! A love story! A
story where a dog falls for a frog! And remember you have to kiss a lot of frogs to
find your prince!

About a year ago hubby and I were headed to Daytona to visit my brother and decided to take the long way and scenic route. So we got on SR40 and headed through the
Ocala National Forest. Here you will feel like you are in a different place and time
and not like you are in Florida. There are watch for Bears signs all through, but
I have yet to see one. The road is a 2 lane road with an occasional area for cars to pass on a special lane!

In the middle of the run through this area there suddenly appears a produce and
lawn/yard decor stand. Actually the area is quite large and we had passed it several times. At Christmas there are loads of lit up lawn decorations that call out to you
to come spend your money but I was always able to resist the temptation!
Well on this day as we were driving by I saw these frogs looking out at me calling my name, yelling come back, come back! I told my hubby to do a U turn and
go back to the store, as I had to see these frogs. Sure enough I had to have one! It
would look good on my patio around the pool! So I found the frog I liked and gave it
a good home on my patio.

Suddenly one day my husband decided to clean it up and put it by the front door. I
do have a menagerie of animals decorating my home so it fit right in with my gators, fish, Egrets, turtle, etc! Little did we know that was the beginning of a love story!

It seems our lovely little Basset Hound girl named Freddi (yes a girl named Freddi)
has become infatuated with Ferdinand the frog as I am calling him now. Freddi has
spent countless hours laying on the floor next to her frog friend. She stares at Ferdinand and also kisses him. If I had known she would love this frog, Ferdinand
would have adorned my foyer a lot sooner!

So you just never know what might make you happy. Keep your eyes and your heart open and don't be afraid to talk to others that are not like you, and you just might
make a new and unexpected friend!

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